Study in Granada

Why choose for studying abroad in Granada?

Located towards the south of Spain, Granada has a distinctly North African feel, the result of centuries of Moorish rule. The most famous feature of this legacy is the spectacular Alhambra, a huge castle which overlooks the city. 

One of the most interesting things about Granada is its intercultural atmosphere. The city of Granada was part of a Muslim territory called Al-Andalus and it was not retaken by Spanish Christians until 1492. As a result, you can see a lot of Arabian architecture and culture all over the place but at the same time, you can also see the European architecture and the typical Spanish culture. Add to all of that a place where people from all over the world get together, mostly for studying, and you will get a city where any culture, style, personality and background is accepted with almost no prejudice, which makes it a perfect place for international students.

Probably the most popular part of the city is Albayzín, a medieval Arabian district full of narrow streets surrounded by typically white houses. Without any doubts, my most favorite parts of Albayzín are its small Arabian tea-rooms which offer a great variety of tea products and the well know “miradores” which are basically viewpoints from where you can see the whole city of Granada and its most famous monument called Alhambra (a medieval Arabian fortress which is definitely worth visiting).

Regional traditions in Granada include a custom of serving free tapas with every drink you order, which means that for a price of around 2 Euro you can get a drink (beer, wine or a soft drink) and you will get a small portion of food. Depending on each bar it can be more or less food but normally it is the best and the cheapest way of having a dinner outside or to socialize with your friends or classmates.

Granada is a culturally rich city which combines traditional Andalusian culture (such as flamenco) with the most modern styles. Some of the most distinguished events/places are Parque de Las Ciencias (Science Park) which you can visit on any day, Noche en Blanco (White night) which takes place on March, and the International Festival of Music and Dance, that normally taking place in June and July.

During the school year, students account for the biggest part of Granada’s population. When it comes to education opportunities in Granada there is only one university in Granada called the Universidad de Granada. However, it is quite big, hosting some 80,000 students with faculties placed in five different parts of the city, so as a student, you will feel like Granada is a perfect place for you to stay. 

Obviously, the fact that there are so many students in Granada leads to its reputation as a city where the party never ends. On Fridays and Saturdays but even on Thursday evenings (on some of the faculties there are no classes on Fridays), streets get full of people going to party or “tapas”. The most famous street for these activities is called Pedro Antonio but, in fact, there are a lot of clubs and bars all over the city centre.

3 interesting facts about Granada:
  • Granada was a Muslim Kingdom for 800 years, which is the longest Muslim rule in Spain
  • Spain’s first Renaissance-style church is in Granada
  • More than 2.5 million tourists from all around the world visit Granada every year
Granada Hotspots
Cost of living (Euros per month)


200 – 900 € P/M


30 – 40 € P/M


100 – 200 € P/M


20 – 50 € P/M

Phone / Internet

20 – 30 € P/M

Leisure / Miscellaneous

50 – 200 € P/M

Total420 – 1,430 € per month

Student jobs in Granada

One way to handle the cost of studying abroad in Granada can be to work part-time during semester breaks or even in parallel to your studies. Students with a student visa can work up to 20 hours per week in any given sector. If you desire to work more, then you need to sign up for a work permit and a residence visa which you can acquire at the Spanish Consulate in your home country. 

For most jobs you will also need to speak and understand Spanish. You can also work as an intern at a university. Wages in Spain are not as high as in some other Western European countries, but on the other hand this is mirrored by a relatively low cost of living. Depending on the hours worked you can expect to earn up to 600 – 800 Euro per month for a student job or internship.

Contact LEAP to receive more information about the current students’ jobs available in sectors as:  

  • Hospitality & Tourism 
  • Real Estate
  • Education
  • Tech Sales

Once you hold a Bachelor’s degree and decide to stay in Spain the average starting salary is around 1,200 – 1,500 Euro per month. With a Master’s degree this can variate from 1,500 – 3,000 Euro per month.

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