Terms & Conditions

This Terms of Service was last updated on January 1, 2020.


The Website www.studies-in-spain.com is the property of LEAP Global Educational Consultants, S.L. (hereinafter, “the COMPANY´´).
Address: C. Bruc 35, 5a planta, 08010 Barcelona
Email address: info[at]studies-in-spain.com
Telephone: +34 677 72 34 56
Fiscal Identification Number: B-67491233 


These Terms and Conditions of Use regulate access to and use of the Website www.studies-in-spain.com (hereinafter, “the “Website”), which the COMPANY makes available to Internet Users. Accessing the Website implies full and unreserved acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use by the User.

Through the Website, the COMPANY may offer services that are subject to specific terms and conditions, which the User will be informed of in each particular case.


In general, prior registration as a User is not required to access and use the Website, although the use of certain services or contents of the Website may require registration.

The Users’ data obtained during the registration process on the Website are protected using passwords selected by the Users themselves. The User agrees to keep their password secret and protect it from unauthorized use by third parties. The User must notify the COMPANY immediately of any unauthorized use of their account or any breach of security they are aware of in relation to the Website service.

The COMPANY adopts all the technical and organizational measures required to guarantee the protection of personal data and to prevent its alteration, loss, processing and/or unauthorized access, in view of the current state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, all in accordance with Spanish legislation on Personal Data Protection.

The COMPANY accepts no liability with respect to Users for any disclosure of their personal data to third parties that is not due to causes directly attributable to the COMPANY, nor for any use of this data by third parties unrelated to the COMPANY. 


The User agrees to use the Website and its contents and services in accordance with the Law, these Terms and Conditions of Use, good conduct and public order. In addition, the User agrees not to use the Website or the contents and services provided through it, for purposes or uses that are illegal or in breach of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Use, or which violate the interests or rights of third parties, or which in any way may damage, render inoperative or inaccessible, or deteriorate the Website, its contents or services, or prevent the normal use of the Website by other Users.

Moreover, the User expressly agrees not to destroy, alter, render inoperative or in any other way damage the data, software or electronic documents found on the Website.

The User agrees not to hinder other Users’ access to the Website through the mass consumption of computing resources used by the COMPANY to provide the service, nor take any actions that damage, interrupt or generate errors in these systems or services.

The User agrees not to introduce any software, viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls or any other logical device or sequences of characters that may potentially cause any type of alteration in the COMPANY’s or third-party computer systems. 


Part of the Website may be sponsored or host advertising content. The advertisers or sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the Website complies with any applicable laws in each case.

The COMPANY is not liable for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that may be included in the advertising or sponsor’s content. In all cases, to lodge a claim or complaint in relation to the advertising content included on this Website, please send an email to the following address:


These Terms and Conditions of Use only refer to the COMPANY’s Website and contents, and do not apply to any links or third-party Websites accessible via the Website.

The destination Websites of these links are beyond the COMPANY’s control, and the COMPANY is not liable for the content of any linked Website, any link included on a Website accessed via the COMPANY’s Website, nor and change or update of such Websites.

These links are only provided to inform the User of the existence of other sources of information on a particular topic. The inclusion of a link in no way implies the COMPANY’s approval or endorsement of the linked Website. 


Except when expressly stated otherwise, all contents of the Website are the exclusive property of the COMPANY, including but not limited to the graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs and any other elements that appear on the Website.

Moreover, all the trade names, brands and distinctive signs of any type contained on the Website are protected by Law.

The COMPANY does not grant any kind of licence or authorization to the User for their personal use with respect to its Intellectual and Industrial Property rights or any other right related to its Website and the services offered on it.

Therefore, the User acknowledges that the reproduction, distribution, commercialization, transformation and, in general, any other kind of exploitation, by any procedure of all or part of the contents of this Website constitutes a breach of the Intellectual and/or Industrial Property Rights of the COMPANY or the proprietor. 


The COMPANY offers the Users the option of adding comments and/or posting for inclusion in the corresponding sections, as well as the possibility of taking part in discussion forums and holding conversations with other Users. Posting comments and/or photographs is subject to these Terms and Conditions of Use.

The person identified in each case as the person who has posted the comments and/or photographs is solely responsible for the content posted. Their comments and/or photographs do not reflect the COMPANY’s opinions and the COMPANY makes no declarations in this respect.

With the exception of circumstances under which it is required to do so by Law, the COMPANY accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or irregularities that may be contained in comments and/or photographs, nor any damages or losses that may be incurred as a result of the comments and/or photographs being added to the forum or other sections on the Website that enable this kind of services and contents.

The User who posts the text and/or photographs grants the COMPANY the rights for its reproduction, use, distribution, public dissemination and any other type of activity with respect to this content, in electronic, digital, printed or any other format. In particular, the User grants these rights for the inclusion of text and/or the photographs on the Website, so that other Users can access them.

The User who posts the aforementioned content hereby declares that they own the rights to the texts or photographs or, if applicable, they guarantee that they are in possession of the necessary rights and authorizations from the author or proprietor of the text and/or photographs, for their use by the COMPANY on the Website.

With the exception of circumstances under which it is required to do so by Law, the COMPANY accepts no liability for any damages or losses that may be incurred as a result of the use, reproduction, distribution, public dissemination or any other kind of activity carried out on the texts and/or photographs protected by Intellectual Property or Image rights belonging to third parties, unless the User has previously obtained the necessary authorization from the owner of the texts and/or photographs to use them in the way they have or intend to.

Furthermore, the COMPANY reserves the right to withdraw the comments and/or photographs hosted on any section of the Website unilaterally, whenever there is any indication that the comments and/or photographs violate any legal provision or third-party right, or are used for advertising purposes (spam), or whenever the COMPANY considers it appropriate.

The COMPANY is not liable for the information posted by the User unless it has effective knowledge that the information stored is illegal or that it damages third-party property or rights in a way that may entitle the third party in question to compensation. In the event that the COMPANY is effectively aware that the Website hosts the aforementioned data, it agrees to act with due diligence to withdraw the contents in question or render them impossible to access.

Moreover, the User is hereby notified that, in order to enable greater control with respect to the privacy of their profile, the COMPANY gives them the option of limiting other Users’ access to their profile at any time, using the tools available in the section itself.

In all cases, to lodge any complaint in relation to the contents included in any of the sections, please write to the following email address: info[at]studies-in-spain.com


The User can join THE COMPANY’s groups on various social media platforms for the purpose of obtaining information related to the brand.

Users who follow THE COMPANY’s groups on social media accept the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy of the corresponding social media platform. 


On this Website, the Users’ personal data is gathered. The User is therefore advised to read our Privacy Policy carefully, as well as the various information clauses that accompany each of the different forms included to gather personal data.

Moreover, Users are hereby notified that COMPANY uses cookies to gather information about the Users and register the IP addresses used to access the Website. We therefore ask the User to read our Cookies Policy carefully.

The User is hereby informed that, in all cases, the personal data gathered on this Website will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act and all applicable Spanish legislation, for the purposes specified in the aforementioned Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy. 


In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and all applicable Spanish legislation in relation to data protection, in order to process the personal data of children under 13 years of age, the COMPANY requires the consent of their parents or legal guardians.

The COMPANY is responsible for implementing any procedures required to guarantee that the age of the minor has been verified effectively, as well as the consent given, if applicable, by their parents or legal guardians. In this respect, every time a minor takes part in a promotion organized by the COMPANY, they will be requested to provide the identification details of the parent or guardian, their postal and email address, in order to obtain their consent, as well as a copy of their National Identity Card and/or copy of their Family Book, which clearly specifies their parental authority. 


This Website uses cookies. Cookies are small data files that are generated on the User’s computer and which enable us to ascertain the following information:

– The date and time of the User’s last visit to our Website.
– The design of the contents that the User chose on their last visit to our Website.
– The security elements involved in controlling access to restricted areas.

The User has the option of preventing cookies from being generated by selecting the corresponding option on their browser.


The Company reserves the right to modify or update the Terms and Conditions of Use of this Website at any time. The User is therefore advised to read them regularly. 


The relations between the COMPANY and the User are governed by Spanish Law and any dispute with respect to these relations shall be subject to the Courts and Tribunals of Catalonia, Spain.

The COMPANY shall respond to any breach of these Terms and Conditions of Use or any misuse of the Website with any civil and criminal proceedings to which it is entitled by Law and considers appropriate.

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