Career Accelerator Program

You are most likely to succeed in life if

  1. You know yourself and use your talents to the fullest
  2. You know how to manage your weaknesses
  3. You know what to do yourself and when to ask for help

The LEAP Career Accelerator Program prepares you to enter the Spanish and European job market by teaching you unique selling techniques to get any job you want – and you are qualified to do. 

Our career advisors worked in international corporations, small- and medium-sized businesses as well as start-ups, and bring many years of relevant experience to the table. The vast HR knowledge from more than five European countries helps us to prepare you individually for your dream position and the career path you are aiming for. 

    Kick-start your career by leveraging the LEAP partnership network in order to to land your dream job in Spain.

    Plan your free consultation today

    Our experts been where you are now and consulted hundreds of students with how and where to start your career in the turbulent times.

    Get in touch

    The Career Accelerator Program in a nutshell

    • Four 1:1 sessions with your dedicated career development expert
      During the sessions, we work on your specific background, current situation and career objectives to make the training as efficient as possible. 

    • Sell yourself!
      In many situations in your everyday life, you are selling to other people. In your family, when you want to make a point. In your relationship, when you have to stand your ground. In your circle of friends, when you present an idea or event. In the professional world, the scenario is the same – you need to market and sell yourself in the right way in order to convince the employers to hire you. We will teach you how.
    • Practice makes perfect
      After each session you receive “homework” where you can apply the new knowledge. In the beginning of each next session, we will review and discuss the key points of the previous lesson.
    • Ongoing support for four weeks
      We provide you additional career feedback for another 4 weeks after the last training session, where we answer your questions, provide improvement suggestions for your ongoing applications, and review your rejections.

      Session 1: In-depth consultation call

        • Profile evaluation & background analysis
        • Career goal evaluation
        • Professional resumé/CV creation

      Session 2: How and where to apply

        • How to look for the right position
        • Stand out during the outreach
        • Organizing yourself and structuring your applications 

      Session 3: How to sell yourself 

        • You are the product – the employer is the client
        • From human to human
        • Getting the job interview

      Session 4: How to ace the job interview

        • Preparation is key
        • Leading the interview
        • Follow-up and closing the job contract 

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