Study discipline
Degree type
Tuition Fee
Starting date
Delivery mode
Masters Energy Storage

PoliTo (Inno Energy)
Turin , Spain

Language Certificate Intensive 20

Granada , Spain

Bachelors Business Administration and Management

Universidad CEU San Pablo
Madrid , Spain

MBA Marketing Management

Global Business School (GBSB)
Barcelona , Spain

Masters Tourism and Hospitality Management

Global Business School (GBSB)
Madrid , Spain

Masters Administrative Management

Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
Barcelona , Spain

Bachelors Content, Media & Film Production

Metfilm School
London , Spain

Masters Tour Guiding

HTL International School
Barcelona , Spain

Masters Sports Exercise and Physiotherapy

Real Madrid Graduate School
Madrid , Spain

Masters Enrepreneurship

Global Business School (GBSB)
Madrid , Spain